Apr 13, 2021
As you wait for next week's kickoff of new episodes of Really Famous, please enjoy this classic Really Famous talk with Younger and Law and Order SVU actor Peter Hermann. We really get into the groove!
You'll hear:
Watch Peter's exclusive Really Famous video!
This week's sponsors:
Original release date: 8/27/18
Shop my new AMAZON STOREFRONT: https://www.amazon.com/shop/reallyfamous
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Fun + funky GOODIES for TV + film lovers: https://www.amazon.com/shop/reallyfamous
New live shows: I'll be back with live shows in NYC and maybe other locations. Get word as soon as we book new dates:
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TikTok - @karamayerrobinson
Facebook - @karamayerrobinson
Twitter - @kara1to1
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Email - reallyfamouspodcast@gmail.com
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Donate $1 or $5 or anything you like to Really Famous and get a shoutout from me on the show - ReallyFamousPodcast.com/donate
Celebrity interview by Kara Mayer Robinson.
Music - Take a Chance by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech - Creative Commons