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Really Famous with Kara Mayer Robinson

May 27, 2020

Tony Goldwyn (actor, director, writer, who you may know as President Fitz Grant on Scandal or Patrick Swayze's so-called friend on Ghost) is super authentic, honest + deep.

Listen in and you'll see...

You'll hear about:

  • Hollywood, showbiz, lies, smoke and mirrors
  • Tony's Broadway show, Network, with pal Bryan Cranston
  • Anecdotes, childhood stories and tangents of all kinds
  • Wanting to feel more fabulous
  • Survival skills camp
  • An intense confrontation that cured Tony of a certain impulse
  • Acting, directing, selling yourself and creating backstories for characters
  • Developing a thick skin
  • Struggling to get acting roles
  • All the people who told him he's underrated - or should hang it up
  • Reading bad reviews
  • Reading good reviews
  • Ghost
  • Dexter
  • Scandal
  • Shonda Rhimes, Kerry Washington and Bellamy Young

Hang out with us for an hour. You'll feel like you really know Tony Goldwyn. And you'll have a few laughs. And you'll feel better about your own self-doubt (if you have any, that is.)


A bonus video of Tony answering extra questions!

See it now on

(Seriously, if you're not subscribed to my YouTube channel by's time!)


Listen to my recent podcast with Tim Daly:

Listen to my recent podcast with Julian McMahon:


Catch my talk with Costa Ronin, from Homeland and The Americans:


New live shows: I'll be back! Hopefully with Tony as a guest.

Get word as soon as we book new dates.



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Celebrity interview by Kara Mayer Robinson.

Music - Take a Chance by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech - Creative Commons