Oct 29, 2018
In a Really Famous podcast twist, Peter Hermann is my guest host.
And I am the guest.
Let's see what happens...
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Oct 22, 2018
It's NYPD Blue's Sylvia Sipowicz! Yes, the woman whose provocative scenes were a major part of this groundbreaking, iconic TV series.
But wait! Sharon has also been a constant presence on television since then, in shows like:
Oct 9, 2018
Better Call Saul star Patrick Fabian and I get into the groove!
Patrick, of course, plays sharply-dressed and sharp-thinking Howard Hamlin of the law firm Hamlin, Hamlin and McGill.
He's also been in 137 TV shows and movies! Like Scandal, Grey's Anatomy, Castle, Beverly Hills 90210, Desperate Housewives, Will and Grace...